The twisted tale of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears: Death and Porridge’ is currently storming the iTunes charts over in Japan. The movie, directed and produced by Craig Rees, hit the number 2 spot over the weekend and is currently sitting as the number 10 top renter in the horror genre in Japan.
The movie had a successful time in the USA where it stayed in the top 40 for over three weeks in the USA on the Microsoft/XBox platform. It also has been a top seller of DVD units in the U.K.
“When a group of friends arrive at the wrong address for their annual reunion vacation, Desperate, they break into a isolated house only to later discover it belongs to psychotic killers dressed as Goldilocks and the Three Bears.”
‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears: Death and Porridge’ has been picked up by Encripta the distribution company who released Paranormal activity and will be released in all countries across South America.

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