Breaking Glass Pictures, a leading independent film distribution company based in Philadelphia, is thrilled to announce its collaboration with acclaimed writer-director Dan Lantz on the upcoming horror film, Alice And The Vampire Queen. CEO Rich Wolff expresses excitement about working on multiple projects with Lantz, stating, “Dan’s unique vision and storytelling prowess continue to captivate audiences, and it has been a pleasure collaborating on multiple films with him.”
Directed by Dan Lantz, and starring Shelby Hightower, Graham Wolfe, Brenna Carnuccio, Rachel Aspen, Danielle Muehlen, Xavier Michael, Chris James Boylan, and Aaron Dalla Villa, the film fixes on an ex-con, Alice Oldman, who struggles to overcome her past scars. A mysterious stranger offers her a deal: create one special dish for his boss, the Vampire Queen.
The film, the latest from director Lantz (Alpha Rift, Bloodrunners) had a successful limited theatrical run in 2023.
The pic, produced by Dan Lantz, Richard Wolff, and Susan Helfrich, explores themes of resilience, transformation, and the power of choice as Alice confronts not only the external threats posed by the supernatural forces at play but also the internal demons she must conquer to forge her path to redemption.
Alice And The Vampire Queen will be available on Digital 13th February 2024 and is being promoted at Berlinale.