A universally known children’s story turns slasher horror film in Mary Had A Little Lamb, directed by visual effects artist and animator Jason Arber (Meg 2 : The Trench), which has been acquired by Uncork’d Entertainment and is out now on Digital Platforms (iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, Vudu, and more!) and DVD.
Mary Had A Little Lamb was Directed by Jason Arber, and stars May Kelly, Danielle Scott, and Christine Ann Nyland.
A radio host and her crew set out to discover the truth behind some disappearances for a true crime show. They will soon learn that there is far more to discover when they meet Mary and her lamb. Who will make it out alive of this house of horrors?
“Campy and fun, with terrific special and visual effects, we expect Mary Had a Little Lamb will be one of the most popular titles on our schedule this quarter”, said Keith Leopard, President Uncork’d Entertainment. “We can’t wait to hear what audiences this of this super fun horror film.”