In the convergence of social media and the supernatural, an enthralling narrative unfolds as four renowned social media influencers unite to participate in the online Séance Game known as “Metaxu.” This chilling experience, directed by the talented Tané McClure and co-written alongside Tyke Caravelli, is slated to grace screens on February 13th, 2024, thanks to the distribution prowess of Gravitas Ventures. SÉANCE GAMES – METAXU features a stellar cast including Eric Roberts, Tané McClure, and Nisha Catron, and the intriguing trailer is available below.
“Four influential social media stars join forces to engage in the online Séance Game, ‘Metaxu.’ Each team is tasked with live-streaming two séances over two nights at the most ominous, haunted locations they can find. The team amassing the highest number of followers during the séances will not only secure over 1 million dollars but also attain worldwide METAXU fame. Initially considering it a mere foray into horror cosplay, the team soon realizes they’ve stumbled upon a genuine haunting with perilous consequences. Tensions escalate as they are haunted by the ghost of their murdered friend, uncovering the chilling possibility that one among them might be her killer.”
“Séance Games Metaxu” Official Trailer from McClure Films
The film showcases an impressive ensemble cast, including Eric Roberts, Tané McClure, Nisha Catron, Andrew James Ferguson, Olivia Deligan, Madison Taylor, Bernard Timmons II, Farryl Christina Lawson, and Sylvester Bowen.
Tané McClure, a luminary in the realms of film, television, and music, with over 37 Film Festival Awards, 19 nominations, and the esteemed LA Press Club – National Journalism Award, brings her wealth of experience to the director’s chair. Expressing enthusiasm about Séance Games – Metaxu, McClure comments, “This film has myriad layers and surprises. It is a beautiful, heartfelt, thrilling, and multi-dimensional cinematic experience.”
McClure characterizes Séance Games – Metaxu as a distinctive fusion of Hitchcockian suspense with a contemporary take on séance films, all within the intriguing framework of an online social media game. The narrative unfolds across various epochs of ghostly stories, promising a captivating experience for viewers.
Prepare to be enthralled, thrilled, and chilled as Séance Games – Metaxu graces screens on February 13th, 2024. It will be released on VOD (TVOD) and be initially available on both digital and cable VOD platforms for rental and purchase on iTunes, Apple+ TV and Amazon. Pre-sales will be available mid-January.
Head on over to the Official Website for Séance Games Metaxu here.
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